About Rudy Hayek
Rudy has always been a curious person and an avid “people-watcher”. During his early years he remembers observing and “studying” family members, noticing their body language, gestures, voices, tone, and interactions with one another. He would often be the go-to kid at family gatherings perform a quick imitation/impression of some of the more colorful characters in his multi-generational family. This affinity for studying people and their behaviors has evolved into a lifetime of coaching and supporting people to be the best version of themselves and in their relationships.
There is no doubt that being connected to one other and building relationships are wired in our nature an in our DNA. Our biological, psychological, emotional, and spiritual health depend heavily on the quantity and quality of our relationships. In short, striving to maintain quality relationships simply helps us become better individuals. Whether our connections relate to our work/business, marriage, parenting, friendships, committed partners, things go awry when there is some disconnection that causes our survival mechanism to go on the alert. This is when we can behave and react in ways that do not bring out our best.
Good relationship therapy focuses on discovering and maintaining a healthy balance/harmony between interdependence and independence between us and others. A well-functioning and healthy “YOU” can lead to a powerful ‘US”, and vice-versa.
What are the 6 main ingredients of a healthy and thriving relationship?
Effective Communication (reciprocal and respectful)
Emotional and Physical Attunement (“I really get you; you really get me”)
Mutual Understanding of each other's Perspectives and Internal Working Models (Empathy)
Honoring and Respecting your Partner’s Needs and Wants
Freedom to express your own Needs and Wants
Health Boundaries around individuality and relationships
Rudy’s road toward becoming a Psychotherapist
Following a 30+year career as a Health, Wellness, and Fitness Coach, Rudy’s passion for supporting and empowering his clients to work toward their potential has extended into his work as a Mental Health professional and Relationship Coaching. His experience as an endurance athlete and a martial artist supplied him with unique opportunities to practice discipline, perseverance, and pushing physical and psychological limits.
As a graduate of the Masters’ program in Clinical Psychology at Azusa Pacific University (APU), he appreciated the blend of the academic and experiential curriculum through its Interdisciplinary Integration model from: Psychology, Philosophy, and Spirituality.
The foundation of these components directly and indirectly influences our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors and how we interact with others. Effective therapists who are attuned and attentive to clients’ unique nature and personality within this integrative model, can be more effective with providing a safe space that fosters AWARENESS and GROWTH.
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